
Thursday, May 16, 2013

Flying Too Close to the Sun

“Never regret thy fall,
O Icarus of the fearless flight
For the greatest tragedy of them all
Is never to feel the burning light.”
-Oscar Wilde

It’s nighttime. The sky hangs like a gigantic black blanket above me, with the stars sprinkling across it like twinkling fairy dust. I am in love with the night. I love the way the light, brisk air encompasses you and I love the feeling of being the only person in the world, as everyone is tucked away, sleeping cozily in their beds, in their own little dream-worlds. I love being able to count my breaths, one by one, letting the night air fill my lungs. But I can feel the dawn approaching. The sun will be coming out soon. The sun will slowly creep over the horizon, eventually blazing brightly in the sky. As I see the bright oranges and yellows being painted into the sky, I know that soon, I will have to get my wings ready. While I would love for the night to accompany me again so that I can have a few more hours of peace and rest, I know that the sun is my true destiny. It’s funny how that works; sometimes all we want is some peaceful moments, without all of the hustle and bustle of the outside world, yet in the end, the chaos is what drives us. The sun is my destiny, my purpose. Every day, even when I’m exhausted and drained from chasing it the day before, I can’t stay away. I will forever fly towards to the sun, no matter what it costs me, no matter how many times I get burned. I will fly towards the sun until I eventually set myself on fire, burning and blazing in the sky until there is nothing left of me.

I can’t stay away from you. The obstacles are endless for us. Every logical part of me knows that this will end badly, most likely with my heart ripped into shreds, without any possible way to put it back together. But I am drawn to you. Everything about you fascinates me in ways that I have only read about. The humorous thing about it is, I can’t pinpoint exactly what it is about you that has bewitched me so. Is it your sweet laugh that you emit when I make a stupid joke? Is it your face, the one that makes my heart skip a beat every time I see it? Is it your sexy, deep voice that I only hear late at night when we’ve been talking for hours and we’re both becoming sleepy? Is it the anticipation that I feel every time I even think about seeing you? Whatever it is, it has consumed me. Since the day we met, my heart has been yours. My mind is yours. My body is yours. You have acquired the entire package that is “me”, and you didn’t even have to try very hard to attain it.

There have been so many times that we left. We walked away with no intentions of coming back. Deep down, I think we have tried walking away because we know this could never work. There is always too much; too much going on, too much distance, too much arguing, too much loving, too much doubting. Too much. We would go about our lives, going through the motions, yet we somehow always find our way back to each other. Why can’t we stay away from each other when we already know what the finale consists of? One or both of our hearts will be broken. There’s honestly no way around it.

What do you do when the only thing that you want is something that a) is bad for you and b) is something you can never truly have? I’ve never experienced this kind of desire, this need. You hijack my day-to-day thoughts and spread through them like a plague. The littlest thing reminds me of you, and then I’m sent into a tailspin of memories and feelings about you. I want you so desperately. My heart is your plaything, to pick up and tinker with when it amuses you and then place on the shelf when you’re bored. Meeting you has been the best thing and the worst thing to happen to me. You opened my heart after a long period of it being locked away, closed for business. I will always be grateful for that. But the treacherous part that came along with that is the fact that you have made me weak. I’m not strong enough to let you go. I’m not strong enough to steal my heart back and hide it from you, disabling you from ever finding it again.

So, I will keep flying. Every morning, when the scorching sun makes its way into my sight again, I will strap on my wings and take flight. I want to bask in its radiance and feel the warmth on my bare skin. The intensity of its luminescence is so enticing, I’m afraid I will never be able to deny it. I will ignore everyone’s warnings, just like Icarus, and I will keep trying to fly as close to it as possible. I know this makes me look like a Class A Idiot and not the intelligent person that I am, but when I see its fiery rays, I could not care less. The sun may not be good for me; it may give me hideous burns and it may hurt like hell, causing me to realize that it doesn’t love me back. Chasing it may cause me to miss out on the beautiful stars that light up the night sky. In fact, in reality, the sun is just a star. However, the sun that I am so fervently chasing is the closest one. My entire solar system revolves around this star. If I dared to travel farther, I may just find that the rays from another star don’t hurt. In fact, I might find that I can reap all the wonderful benefits that I gain from my sun, without all of the pain and exhaustion.

I am quite certain that I will end up being burned to ashes from pursuing this. I will end up charred and broken, from loving the sun too much and only wanting to be close to it. Maybe someday I will find the strength to move on to other stars. But until then, I will continue to fly dangerously close to you, my brilliant sun.

Sunday, May 12, 2013

An Open Letter to My Mom

Dear Mom,

Let me just start off by saying that there is no possible way for me to put into words how much you actually mean to me, but I’m going to try anyway, because you taught me that even when things seem impossible, if you really want it, then why not make a valiant effort? You might fail miserably, you might fall on your butt, but that’s always better than always wondering “what if?” Thank you for teaching me that. I have fallen flat on the floor more times than I’d like to admit; literally, as I’ve played sports since I was 5-years-old and am the most accident-prone person on the face of this earth, and figuratively. But you know what? I can honestly say that I have gotten up from the ground more times than I have fallen. Maybe I had some bruises, and yes, I may still have a couple of scars to remind me of my past hurdles, but I always stood back up. And when I felt like this time was it, there was no possible way I could ever recover because I was just too broken, you swept me up into your beautiful, loving arms, and carried me until I could walk again.

Thank you for believing in me even when I didn’t believe in myself. I know, that’s what parents do. But I have lived long enough in this world to know that it doesn’t always happen. And there’s a huge difference between someone saying that they believe in you, and someone actually doing it. When I was 11-years-old and decided that I wanted to be a model again, you didn’t laugh or just sarcastically say “okay honey, whatever you want to do”. You signed me up for modeling school and scrounged up enough money (that you didn’t really have) to let me take those classes. You drove me there every single week and you never once complained. You did that because you knew it was what I wanted and I was determined at the time, and you believed that I could actually do it. Thank you for not giving me a hard time when, a year later, I decided that it wasn’t really what I wanted to do.

Thank you for kicking me in the butt when I need it. I have always been a self-motivator and someone who will work hard for what they want. But I’m not perfect. I have those days where I just don’t want to do anything, or I feel like giving up. I remember when I was 13-years-old and I had softball practice with a new team. I don’t remember why, but I DID NOT WANT TO GO AND YOU WEREN’T GOING TO MAKE ME. But, you knew this was important to me, even if it didn’t seem like it at the time. So, you dragged me, kicking and screaming and crying, out of bed and to the field.  I ended up having the best time and I ended up staying on that team for many years, playing hundreds of tournaments and making some great connections to lead me further in my softball career. On those days that I have no motivation and energy, I give you a call because I know that in a matter of minutes, you’ll light that fire under me once again, even if you do it with me kicking and screaming the entire time.

Thank you for being strong. I don’t always tell you this, but I think you’re the strongest woman I know. You have been through so much in your lifetime. Yet, an outsider would never be able to tell. You give off such warmth to anyone and everyone. You aren’t jaded by the obstacles that you have been through, nor are you bitter. You are a true warrior, and you have also molded me into one as well. Not only have you been strong for yourself, but you’ve been strong for me. In my 22 years on this earth, I’ve also been through a lot. And when I couldn’t find the strength within myself, I found it in you, my rock. Remember when I was 19 and I had been in my own apartment for about 6 months, then one day, suddenly, I told you that I wanted to move back in with you? Well, sure it was going to help us both financially. But I could’ve managed the financial struggles. The real reason I moved back in with you was because I needed you. You now know that I was going through the most difficult time in my life (I know I waited a long time to tell you what happened and for that, I’m sorry). I was depressed and angry and didn’t know how to recover from something so horrific. Thank you for letting me move back in, to slowly pick up the pieces until I felt whole again. If you hadn’t been there, I don’t know where I would be today.

Thank you for being my best friend. Not only do we have a mother-daughter relationship, but we also have a beautiful friendship. I can call you up after a first date with some guy I had just met, and tell you about how he made this crazy, inappropriate, yet extremely hilarious comment to me and you can spend five minutes laughing with me about how ridiculous it was. We go out for a drink and you notice the cute bartender who has been eyeing me the entire night. You strike up a conversation with him and create that bridge for him and I to get to know each other. YOU ARE THE BEST WINGWOMAN EVER, by the way. We go on random drives when we’re both feeling lost or bored, and scream and sing out the rolled-down windows and people probably think that we’re absolutely batshit crazy; which we probably are. We have so much fun together, laughing until it hurts and talking about the most ridiculous things. Thank you for always making me laugh, even when I want to burst into tears.

I really could go on and on about how wonderful you are. There are so many positive qualities about you that it would take me days to write this article and even longer for someone to read the final product. But maybe I’ll write a part two someday. I want you to know that there are these moments when we are together and you may be talking to someone, with your hands flailing because you like to talk with them and act out your words, or you may just be making breakfast, but there are these moments that make me sit back and exhale, smiling at the person that you are and how lucky I am that you’re MY mom. You make my heart smile.

Hopefully, with this letter, I can make yours smile too.

Your Loving and Grateful Daughter Who Worships the Ground You Walk On

Wednesday, May 8, 2013

Text Messages I Actually Want To Send

I think that everyone can relate to the feeling of wanting so badly to say something to someone without any repercussions or being judged by the recipient. Here are some text messages that I have wanted to send in the past, but didn’t. For those of you who know me, don’t take it too personally or read too far into them. They probably aren’t even about you. Actually, they probably are. Sorry?

Actually, I didn’t remember that. I got you confused with a different guy.

You never ask me how I’M doing. Ever. Yet you think it is necessary to text me five times in a row without a reply, telling me about how the barber didn’t cut your hair the way you wanted them to and oh yeah, you bought these new plaid pants and omg they looked really good but now you realize you don’t have a shirt that you can wear with them and oh man, you brought them home and tried them on AND THEY DON’T FIT and now you don’t know what you’re going to do why does this always happennnnnn. So then when I proceed with “haha” or “that sucks”, you move on to the next subject. JUST STOP. Or even better, get a Twitter.

I feel like sometimes I’m annoying you. I never worry about that with anyone else, ever, because usually I’m the one annoyed. Can you just, like, tell me if I text you too much? Actually, don’t. I don’t want to know.

Hey dude I met online but never actually met in person. Remember that picture of your penis that you sent to me? Yeah, I showed it to my best friend and we cried laughing for about ten minutes. Sorry. I didn’t show her the video though, I was too embarrassed for you.

I call other people “babe”, too.

I’m not wearing that fancy lingerie that I described to you in detail. It’s in my closet. I’m actually in sweatpants and a sports bra, eating oreos and watching How I Met Your Mother.

I look at how long it takes for you to text me back and add five minutes on to my next reply time.

I think you just want attention. Every time you text me, I roll my eyes.

The only reason I texted you was because it’s 2am, I’m drunk, and I just got into a fight with the guy I’m “talking” to and I needed an ego boost.

You aren’t a rock star. And quite honestly, you look like a fool to EVERYONE. Why not just try being yourself instead of embellishing EVERY SINGLE THING IN YOUR LIFE TO TRY AND BE “COOL”. Can you just not. Ugh.

I’m on the phone with a guy that I actually like. You texting me, telling me what you want to “do” to me is just awkward.


I actually didn’t mean to send that text to you. But since you made such a big deal out of it and you said that it made you smile….well…


Don’t you ever get tired of texting me first every single time?

I’m tired of texting you first every single time.

Actually, I’m not busy. And it’s not even that I don’t want to see you. I just have plans to eat taco bell and have a Dexter marathon. I HAVE MY PRIORITIES OKAY.

I fucking adore you and think you are the most amazing person I’ve ever met and I want to be with you and spend all day in bed and watch movies and cuddle and play in the rain and do all those cutesy things that couples do even though I normally want to gag when I think about being in a relationship but you’ve just changed everything and ugh I just want you. Oops. I hate autocorrect. I really just meant to say “hey”. But um, just for shits and giggles, what do you think about all of that?

You’re selfish and mean and I don’t know why I let you walk all over me. I should tell you to go kick rocks. But…hey.

This isn’t the first time I’ve done this. I only said it because I know that’s what you wanted to hear.

Actually, that fight you got into with your girlfriend? You’re totally in the wrong. You were being an asshole. Suck up your pride and go apologize, because she honestly could do better.

Do you remember that night? Does it haunt you like it haunts me? Do you even feel the least bit guilty or disgusted with yourself?

YOU’RE LYING. I know that you’re lying because I saw it on social media. I really did just accidentally see the picture AND OMG YOU’RE LYING. JUST STOP LYING.

After all the things you said to me and then talking about how annoying your ex-girlfriend is, how did you end up with her a week later? And you didn’t even have the decency to just tell me, but instead stopped talking to me all-together, even though you knew I just wanted to be friends anyway? It doesn’t make sense. You’re an idiot.

Please stop making my feelings for you get stronger. Please.

Thanks for that one night. We met exactly when I needed you to help me forget about him. I don’t really care to see you again, nothing personal because you seem cool, but thanks.

I really am sorry that we drifted so far apart. I was in a bad place and let him completely control my life. I miss you. I love you.

I think you’re really freaking cute. I’m pretty sure you’re into me too. Can we please just not do the games and go on a date already?

I’m so glad you texted me last minute to bail on me. I really didn’t want to go out anyway, but I just didn’t have the balls to say it.

I’m horrible, actually. My head is spinning and I feel like the ground is crumbling at my feet. I hate everyone and everything and all I want is for someone to come hold me and kiss my forehead and tell me that it’s going to be okay and I want to run away with them to some deserted island and I want to cry and scream and throw things and lay flat on the floor until I feel like facing the world again. But I’m just going to say “I’m fine” because that’s what normal members of society do and I don’t even know you that well.

I hate when you use “k” instead of “okay” and “2” instead of “to”. Please, you need help. Maybe there’s a “Lazy Texters Anonymous” meeting you can go to? I’ll even be your sponsor.

You are the most attractive man I have ever met.

I really think you might be gay. It's TOTALLY OKAY. There is nothing wrong with it whatsoever and you know I'm a HUGE advocate for equal rights. I'd have so much more respect for you if you just admitted it to yourself and everyone else. Love ya.

I’m actually really freaking jealous and wish you hadn’t told me, but I’m not gonna tell you that because it isn’t even justified.

Please stop putting personal photos on Pinterest. That's not what it's for.

I’m sorry that our 8-year friendship/flirtation/eventual friends-with-benefits ended like that. I still think about you sometimes.

The reason I haven't texted you is simply because I haven't thought about you. I'm sorry if that hurts, but it's the truth.

Actually, I wasn’t sleeping, I was on the phone with someone else. Then when I got off, I decided to get pizza and walk my dog and paint my nails and when I finally remembered that you had texted me, 4 hours had passed. Oops.

Stop sending me stupid poems. Actually, if you could stop texting me, that’d be greeeeeat.

I love you.

Sunday, May 5, 2013

Your Heroin(e)

“Heroin enters the brain very quickly. This effect makes it very addictive. And each time you use heroin, the more you need to get high. One of the greatest risks with this drug is how extremely easy it is to become dependent.”

As we lay in the bed that you tumbled into almost an hour ago, shaking and sweating, I cradle your head in my arms with your face against my stomach. I’m sitting with my back against your undecorated, cold, bare wall, literally and figuratively. I run my fingers delicately through your hair, which by the way is getting longer than I’m used to seeing. I can tell that you haven’t had it cut in quite a while; just another reminder of how you no longer care about anything, especially yourself. I glance around your tiny room that used to be a utility closet. You haven’t lived here for long, but as you put it, it’s somewhere you can lay your head at night. There aren’t any photographs or anything personal to let someone know that a living, breathing human being lives in here. It makes me think of your old room; the one where we spent long days and even longer nights loving each other desperately. That room had life; you would find photographs and posters on the wall, love notes strewn across your dresser, various movies that we had “watched” but had never actually seen because we were too busy watching each other, and a box full of nostalgic treasures underneath your bed. That room had a heartbeat. The room we are in now is an empty, dead corpse.

When you called me, my heart dropped down to my stomach, then slowly liquefied, oozing down to the ends of my toes. We hadn’t spoken in months. Of course, I kept up with you through mutual friends and the double-edged sword known as social media (Myspace, at the time). I knew you had moved and found a new set of friends, a new job, and, more importantly, drugs. You had essentially morphed into a completely different person. I can’t say, looking back, that it surprises me. We were both teenagers, trying on different personalities to see which one fit the best, just as a girl at a retail store might do when trying on a new dress. However, I never imagined that you would go down this path.

“I need you. I know we haven’t talked and you don’t love me anymore, but please. I need you.”

Within minutes, I was in my beat-up thunderbird, driving like a maniac to get to you. I didn’t know why you needed me. I didn’t know what to expect when I pulled up in your driveway. I just knew that you needed me. That’s all it took for me to drop everything and run to you.

When I got there, you were standing in the driveway. You looked so different. You resembled a ghost, your skin white and lifeless. You forced a half-smile as you watched me slowly climb out of my car, making eye contact the entire time. As I slowly walked towards you, your features became more prominent. You had lost weight. Your eyes were somewhat sunken in and underneath them were the faintest of dark circles. I think it was then that my heart broke into a thousand pieces, never to be fully put back together again.

“I’ve gone cold turkey. And the withdrawals are a bitch.”

At that, I had to giggle to myself. You always were so blunt and direct. That was one of the many different things I loved about you. I immediately wrapped my arms around your thin neck and rested my head on your chest. You released a long breath, one that seemed to have been held for months. Your body seemed to crumble at my touch, as you collapsed into me. It caused me to realize how much the roles had reversed. You used to be my soft place to land when I was spinning out of control with my self-destructive ways. But now, you acted as if you had finally lain down in your comfortable (and much longed for) bed after a painful and exhausting journey. I was your home.

Looking down at you, you looked so small. You were miniature; a smaller and generic replica of the boy I used to love. I wanted to scoop you up and put you in a locked jewelry box, to protect you from this cruel and horrible world, to protect you from yourself. You seemed so fragile, so frail. I ran my fingers along your arms, hesitating at the markings, as if looking at artwork that told a depressing and heartbreaking story. There were some red dots, some bruising. I wanted to kiss each and every coloration, as if that would somehow make them disappear.

You turned your head so that your face was peering up into mine. Your deep brown eyes met my sea-green ones. Your eyes that had been so empty when I first arrived were now filled with pain, regret, and fear.

“I don’t know how I’m going to do this. I just need a fix.”

“No, I’m here. I will be here until you don’t need me anymore. We will see this through together.”

“I will always need you though. I have always needed you.”

My phone rang. You asked if it was him, the guy who had been occupying my heart, the place where you used to be. I lied. I slowly slid out from underneath your head and rose, walking over to your nightstand, the only other piece of furniture in your room. I turned my phone off and came back over to the bed, sitting at the edge of your feet. I lightly put my hand on top of yours.

“I knew you’d come. I knew you would save me.”

“You’re my Heroine.”

You used to tell me that you were addicted to me; I was your drug. At the time, as an angsty and naïve teenager in love, those were the most romantic words you could have ever said to me. I was intoxicating to you. You couldn’t get enough of me. In my 16-year-old mind, that is what true love was: wanting to spend every waking moment together, indulging in each other and forgetting that the rest of the world existed.
Reflecting back on our tumultuous relationship, I realize now that we were in a toxic and unhealthy co-dependent relationship. I think that even at 16, I realized that. That is why I did everything I could to sabotage it, even though I loved you madly. I chalked it up to self-destruction and being a typical teenager, yet I think that I subconsciously knew that we could never live happily ever after. You made me feel wanted and needed; something I had never felt before I met you. I felt that because you loved me, I was worth something.

You loved me intensely. Maybe you loved me too much. When we were together, we didn’t do drugs, other than a couple of Xanax here and there because we loved the calm feeling we’d get after taking them; we were always running on a higher energy level than everyone else, almost in a manic state of mind, when we were together. We didn’t even drink that much except for when we were with friends and wanted to be “cool”. Maybe that’s why it took me by surprise when I found out that you had dove head-first into the drug world, almost immediately after we broke up.

I realize now that you were only trying to get back that feeling; the feeling that only I could provide for you, and vice versa. I remember the sleepless nights and the emptiness I felt in your absence, when I finally pushed you far enough away. I know that feeling of wanting the “high” again. I understand that even though we didn’t smoke weed or snort crack or drink until we felt invincible, we were on drugs. We had an addiction, on the verge of obsession with one another, and didn’t even realize it. You were mine, and I was yours. When I finally kicked the habit and forced you to do the same, you had to find something else to fill that void.

“You’re my heroin.”

The same sentence, two completely different meanings. Which one did you mean, my love? I was trying to save you, while in turn trying to save myself. I know that in the end, I could have never saved you. Saving you meant that I would have to love you again, but you are no longer that 18-year-old boy from down the street, nor am I the 16-year-old girl-next-door.

Was I your Heroine? Did I help you grow into a decent and loving man, no longer jaded and scarred? Or was I your crippling addiction? Your heroin? Was I your gateway drug that led you down the destructive path that you continued to travel even after I left you for good?

I guess I will never know, as that was the last night we ever spent together. I hope that I was your Heroine. I wanted so badly to save you from yourself.

Wednesday, May 1, 2013

The Fixer

When something's broke, I wanna put a bit of fixin on it.
When something's bored, I wanna put a little exciting on it.
If something's low, I wanna put a little high on it.
When something's lost, I wanna fight to get it back again.
- Pearl Jam

“The Fixer” is a person who looks at something broken and makes it their mission to not only repair it, but to also enhance it. They see the potential in something or someone and they become obsessed with building it from the ground up. Once they set their sights on a pile of scrap and remnants, they immediately picture the beauty that they can create from it. The Fixer spends all of their time and energy on their little projects and they don’t stop until they are complete. They slave away, brainstorming and planning, trying to figure out how they are going to create this work of art.  Not only do they focus on the end result and how it will look in the end, but they enjoy (and even relish) in the entire process. Having a project to work on gives them fulfillment. Honestly, it becomes their reason for breathing. Some people look at a Fixer and think how wonderful they are; here is this person that wants to help people and put their energy into making this world a better place. And maybe if you aren’t a Fixer, you might wish that you were more like them, able to look at a hopeless situation and swish their wand a few times and voila, they’ve turned that mess into something beautiful.

However, the problem with Fixers is that not only do they use the scrap materials that they found in the beginning, but they also chip away at parts of themselves. They take a chisel and they scrape off various pieces of themselves one by one and add them to the masterpiece that they are building. It takes a toll on them and if they aren’t careful, they leave themselves with a hole. Or they chip off a piece that they can never get back. At the time, they say “it’s worth it” because of course, look at the masterpiece they are creating! They are pouring their heart and soul into this venture and in the end, they will have something to show for it. Nothing else matters but the project; they don’t care about the sleepless nights and the energy they have emptied into it. That is why many artists and writers forego sleep, money, and social interaction – for the simple purpose of their creation.

But what happens when you finish? What happens when you created exactly what you wanted and you watched, right before your very own eyes, this desperate thing transform into the vision that you originally had from the very beginning?

I’ll tell you what happens, speaking from 22 years of experience.

After the initial feeling of accomplishment and success, you collapse. Maybe from exhaustion, maybe from the utter relief that you could actually do this. You had a vision and you made it happen; it came to life. But after the satisfied fog wears off, you are left feeling empty. There is nothing left for you to fix. You can try to give it some touchups and of course there’s always a little bit of maintenance here and there, but you no longer have something to consume you. It’s like coming off a high from a really amazing drug – you want that feeling back. You would do anything to go back to the beginning just to go through the same motions and to have that sensation again. And not only do they feel empty because of the absence of that feeling, but they are also left with less of themselves than they had before. After chiseling away at their own parts and adding it to their newly created masterpiece, they have holes in places that were not there before.

When it comes to relationships, being a Fixer means that there will always be an expiration date. When the Fixer finds someone that they want to spend the time molding and creating in order for that person to reach their full potential, they cling to them. They become so attached to this person and feel that this attachment is synonymous with being in love with them. They fool themselves into thinking that “this time is different” and even when their new love (i.e. project) reaches their maximum potential, the Fixer will still love them and want to stay with them. However, that is never the case. While their intentions are always good, when the Fixer finishes their project and the person has become exactly what they envisioned they would be, they soon start itching for a new project, a new person to spend all their time and energy on. The Fixer travels from relationship to relationship, fixing and mending. They will never be satisfied staying with someone whom they have already fixed, with no alterations left to make.

As a chronic Fixer, I’m sorry to all of you who have been in my destructive path. I say “destructive” because while at the time I was improving your life and situation, I essentially may have destroyed everything I spent my time and energy on in the end. I’m sorry that my need for fixing things kept me from being able to honestly love you. I’m sorry that you felt like a project that I only wanted to complete and then move on from. I’m trying to change. I’m trying to eliminate that crippling obsession and trying to instead appreciate the beauty in the broken. Not everything is meant to be fixed; sometimes it’s better left untouched, in its purest form.

While I may have moved on to other “projects”, my mind still wanders to you every so often, just to admire the masterpiece that you are, and the light trace of a smile can be seen on my face, knowing that I may have played some small part in it.